Friday, March 25, 2011

An unnatural relationship

My first car was a 1970 mustang. It had scrap metal for an engine, and a very unusual body style that was only made one year and looked more like the camaro than a mustang. It was ugly and beat up and I loved it with a passion. My father’s friend had a body shop and so he and I sanded, scraped, scrubbed, and painted that body into a smooth poppy red color that the guys all called “cop catcher red” that would guarantee me several speeding tickets. Less than a year later, I moved across the country and had to leave the car behind. I drove a hand-me-down for a while, then bought my first new car that I drove for 6 years. When it started to break down, I was ready to buy what I wanted – not just what I could afford. So I bought myself a 2006 mustang convertible. It was previously owned for a short time and in immaculate condition. And just like the cop catcher, I love this car with a passion. I am protective of it, proud of it, and I baby it. I know that it sounds ridiculous. I know it’s not natural to love a car more than some humans. But I love this car. It is my first convertible and I don’t know how I lived without one before or how I will ever go back to standard vehicle. When that top goes down – life changes for me. Now, I have always enjoyed driving. It relieves stress for me to be out on an open road, cruising along by myself. Put the top down and suddenly the world is brighter (obviously – the sun comes in!) and I am no longer trapped. I am in nature; seeing, smelling and feeling the environment around me. Any worries I had in my mind are now part of the dust behind my tires. It’s a feeling of happiness that I just can’t compare to any other enjoyment I have. Shooter gets this feeling from his boat. It calms him. This calms me.

I have had to do many body repairs since I moved to Shreveport, thanks to the tornado of October 2009 and my recent rear-ending. Now she has a new body and looks like new again. I couldn’t be happier with her.


Maria said...

Hi Carrie! What a COOL car!! I have always loved Mustangs! I am so glad that you have a car that makes you happy! It sounds like you love your car like my Mom loves her '70 red VW Bug! This wonderful weather we have been having makes me wish I had a convertible too! Hope you have a good weekend!
Maria Cimino

Lela said...

Mustangs are my favorite! I got to drive one as a rental the last time my own car was in the shop. My dad had a '67 that my oldest brother wrecked and it sat out in the elements for so long without being fixed that it ended up with a tree growing through the engine...what a shameful loss...

MonicaO said...

You have a nice car!! I've always wanted a convertible but have always been afraid of insurance pricing. Sounds like you love your sportscar. If I had a concvertible I would buy a nice hat and scarf and let my hair blow in the wind.

NaturallyNatalie said...

Wow Carrie a Mustang huh? My first car was a Ford Focus!! My baby has been gone for about 3 years since then I've had a PT Cruiser and a Mercedes Benz. Hopefully my next car will be even better

dotsmom said...

I told my children, many years ago, that, as soon as they left home, I was going to buy a convertible. Hasn't happened yet. I need a car I can haul things in!

K. Smith
Eng. 226